The electric unicycle is a new and innovative addition to the world of personal mobility that you may not know a lot about. While it might seem odd to those who are more familiar with bikes, scooters, and skateboards, find out in this article why electric unicycles are such a great option for people who want to get around on their own without being tied down by the limitations of walking or biking! 

Electric unicycles are the safer and more environmentally friendly alternative to bicycles. They can travel up to 30 miles without needing a charge, which is plenty for most people's commutes. Not only are they green, but they're also fast too! Some of the best electric unicycles have been timed going up to 20 miles per hour! And, once you're done riding it, it folds up like a car and can be stored in an apartment.

What is an Electric Unicycle?
If you're reading this blog, it's likely that you are aware of the electric vehicles around. With that in mind, I would like to introduce you to the latest electric personal transportation device: an electric unicycle. Unicycles are not new, but they've never been powered by electricity before!

Cost to Run

Electric unicycles are cheaper to run than gas-powered ones. You'll spend about $0.08 per mile for electricity as opposed to $0.30 per mile of gas. If you charge your unicycle at night, the cost is even lower at $0.06 per mile thanks to off-peak rates.

Battery Life and Range

Electric unicycles have a lot of battery life meaning that you can travel a lot further before needing to recharge. The average battery life is one hour, but the range varies depending on the rider's weight and terrain.

Maintenance and Upkeep

Maintaining an electric unicycle is not a difficult task. You just need to clean it every now and then and charge the battery once in awhile. The point is that you don't need to worry about changing gears or oiling the chain.

Weight Capacity

Electric unicycles can be used by people of any weight. They are also very lightweight so carrying one is not a problem. Electric unicycles are made with a lightweight frame, fork, and wheels which means they're easy to store anywhere. You'll never need to worry about offloading your electric unicycle before taking the stairs or having to worry about the weight capacity of an elevator


One of the main reasons for using an electric unicycle is for safety. If a person falls off the scooter, it automatically starts to brake to avoid running into any objects. The braking system also ensures that the person riding it doesn't hit anything on their way down.

Wastage of Resources

The main problem with gas powered cars is that they use up fuel. This means that the car wastes a lot of resources, including oil, gas, and money on gas. Electric cars have no need for fuel and are therefore much more environmentally friendly.

Ride Quality and Comfort

Unicycle riding can be fun, but it's hard to enjoy the experience when you feel every bump in the road. Electric unicycles are much smoother to ride on and make the experience more comfortable.

Size, Design and Portability

They are smaller and lighter than standard unicycles, which makes these electric unicycles portable. They also have a sleek design that is eye-catching and often comes in bright colors. These features make them perfect for outdoor activities.

Savings on Parking

Since electric unicycles can be parked anywhere, you'll never have to worry about running out of parking space.

Distance the Unicycle Will Travel before Charge is Needed

The distance an electric unicycle will travel before the charge is needed varies depending on what type of terrain it is being ridden on. On a flat surface, an electric unicycle can travel more than 40 km before needing to be re-charged. On hilly terrains, the distance will be less, but the hills can usually be tackled without recharging.

Which electric unicycle is best for you?

Selecting an electric unicycle can be a challenge. There are many different brands and models to choose from. You should figure out what you need the electric unicycle for. If you can't ride an electric unicycle, then you can refer to our how-to ride electric unicycle guide. If you want to ride it every day, then go for a model that is more durable and powerful. If you only want it for occasional use, then a cheaper model will do. You should also think about how much time you have in your day to charge the battery before using it again. Some electric unicycles have really long ranges but take hours to recharge before they're ready to go again.

Best Electric Unicycles:

  1. Extreme Bull Commander
  2. Gotway MSX Pro
  3. King Song 16X
  4. Veteran Sherman 
  5. King Song S18

How to choose the best electric unicycle?

The first thing you should check is the maximum weight that the unicycle can support. For example, if you are 240 pounds, then a 200-pound unicycle will be able to support you. The second thing to consider is the distance that the unicycle can cover without being charged. Generally, this range is anywhere between 10 to 25 miles on average. The third thing to look at would be any features that come along with the electric unicycle. For example, some models have lights and speakers built in so they can be more useful as a commuter vehicle or for night time use.


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